Sensive Astrology
Today, my interest in astrology remains as compelling to me as it was
in the 70s. I have found over the years that if I really pay attention,
I can actually feel a difference in the energy that surrounds me as the
planets move from one sign to another, change direction, or come into
aspect with one of my natal points.
One incident in particular brought this to my attention: transiting
Uranus in Capricorn squaring natal Neptune in Libra. I felt like I was
plugged into a light socket the entire four weeks that Uranus was
approaching within 1 degree of my Neptune. Then, as soon as the aspect
became exact, the feeling disappeared. It was a time of major
enlightenment for me which led to the conclusion that this is the manner
in which we are all affected by the various planetary movements.
I like to think of this process as "sensive astrology" -- combining
awareness of your body's reactions to the vibratory forces of the
universe with astrological interpretations. There are many tools out
there to help us with this process...including yoga, meditation, and tai
chi to mention only a few.
Many people are unaware that feeling an emotion is preceded by a
physical reaction in the body. Paying attention to these reactions can
help us handle our emotions better. Handling our emotions better can
help us handle our whole lives better.
American Federation of Astrologers
National Center for Geocosmic Research